Reification-Dereification rules

Reification-Dereification (ReDer) rules are created to provide direct binary predicates (DBPs) which serve as shortcuts between the objects of the frame elements of a given frame. The purpose of these shortcuts can be simplifying structured queries where only two frame elements are relevant for a given frame. Likewise, it can serve to reduce overhead in the knowledge base by one third for frame structures where only the values of two frame elements are known. The dereification rules are definite clauses inferring a direct binary predicate from a frame structure. The converse reification rule can also be broken in three definite clauses. The following is an example of a complete ReDer rule.

?f a :Microframe.Separating.verb.partition 
?f :fe.Separating.Whole ?s 
?f :fe.Separating.Parts ?o 
?s :dbp.Separating.isPartitionedIntoParts ?o

Currently, FrameBase has around 123000 ReDer rules and the same number of direct binary predicates. ReDer rules can be implemented as SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries for materializing the direct binary predicates, or because they can be decomposed into definite clauses, they can be easily plugged into existing inference engines such as the general purpose rule engine in Apache Jena.