The FrameBase data is free to download and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License by the FrameBase team at Aalborg University and Rutgers University.

FrameBase integrates data from FrameNet, WordNet, YAGO, Freebase, DBpedia and

The current version of the schema is FrameBase 2.0. Information and data for older versions can be found here.

FrameBase can be queried in our SPARQL endpoint. The endpoint does not use RDFS inference. The direct binary predicates are materialized. Currently it includes the schema and some instances of FrameBase 1.0.

The FrameBase data is also available for download in different files.

FrameBase Schema - reified level    FrameBase 2.0
Core schema. RDFS+ schema for representing frame-based knowledge. RDFS+ inference is materialized. [turtle/gzip]
(6 MB)
Lemon annotations for the schema. [turtle/gzip]
This is a very small subset of the core schema containing only meta-entities such as framebase:LuMicroframe and framebase:inheritsFrom. Therefore, it can be omitted when using the core schema. Its purpose is mainly to make easier to understand the structure of FrameBase. [turtle/gzip]
Manual extensions of the core schema. 7 extra frames defined for convenience. These are the only manual extensions. [turtle/gzip]
The schema uses certain OWL predicates, but even the lightest kinds of OWL are overkill for our needs, which can be covered by a much more efficient flavor of RDFS+. This file contains the Jena rules necessary to get the "+". [text]
owl:sameAs links with the RDF version of WordNet. [turtle/gzip]
owl:sameAs links with [turtle/gzip]

FrameBase Schema - dereified level and reification-dereification rules    FrameBase 2.0
Labels for direct binary predicates. This part of the schema is only necessary if the result from the dereification rules is used. [turtle/gzip]
Lemon annotations for direct binary predicates. This part of the schema is only necessary if the result from the dereification rules is used. [turtle/gzip]
94229 dereification rules as SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries. This version uses property paths to provide rdfs:subClassOf transitive closure in the clusters of the FrameBase schema for endpoints without RDFS inference, but this can be removed if RDFS inference is available. [text/zip]
Dereification rules in the Jena rule format (forward rules). [text/zip]
Dereification rules in the Jena rule format (backward rules). [text/zip]
Reification rules as SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries. [text/zip]
Reification rules in the Jena rule format (forward rules). [text/zip]
Reification rules in the Jena rule format (backward rules). [text/zip]
Reification rules in SPIN format. [turtle/gzip]
Dereification rules in SPIN format. [turtle/gzip]

Integration rules (SPARQL CONSTRUCT format)    FrameBase 1.0
YAGO2s (Class-Frame and Property-Frame rules) Download
Freebase (Class-Frame rules) Download Events (Class-Frame rules) Download
DBpedia Events (Class-Frame rules) Download
Wikidata Properties (Property-Frame rules) Download

FrameBase instance knowledge integrated from YAGO2s and Freebase    FrameBase 1.0
Reified, without direct binary predicates. [turtle/gzip]
(660 MB)
Dereified (only direct binary predicates inferred from dereification rules). [turtle/gzip]
(161 MB)

FrameNet-WordNet mapping. [text]
Gold standards and annotations [explore]